Come join us!
We are looking for talented graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and undergraduate researchers. We are located along the shore of Lake Michigan and about 10 miles north of downtown Chicago.
Malapit lab photo during a group meeting in the Fall of 2021 with rotation graduate students, incoming postdocs, and undergraduates.
Graduate students
The Malapit lab is looking for graduate students accepted at the Northwestern chemistry program to join us by December 2021.
Interested graduate students for Fall 2022 should apply through the Department of Chemistry graduate admission program.
Undergraduate researchers
The Malapit lab welcomes highly enthusiastic undergraduate students seeking to gain research experience in catalysis and synthetic chemistry.
​Postdoctoral and visiting scholars
Interested scholars with expertise and/or interest in organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, and synthetic electrochemistry are highly encouraged to apply. To apply, please send an email to Christian with a cover letter and your CV with contact information of at least two references.